Webinar Made in Europe: What challenges for the manufacturing industry in Europe?


May 09 2022


10:00 - 12:00

The Covid crisis has revealed the hyper-dependence of European industries on supplies of materials, components and sub-assemblies from other continents. If Europe wants to become competitive again and remain an industrial continent, it must clearly define its ambition, its identity and its values. Competitiveness, sovereignty, agility… are part of the objectives to be achieved. Made in Europe focuses on the Twin Transition (green and digital). This will have a strong impact on the means and methods of production in all sectors. CIMES mobilizes the partners of its European network in order to shed light on the « Made in Europe » ambition and to present the guidelines and roadmaps that have led to European innovation funding programs. The round table (in English) will allow participants to understand the levers and master the keys that lead to the Industry of the future.

General introduction
Presentation of the European orientations and strategies for industry – 15 min

I / Digital for manufacturing: technology-push or market-pull?
1- I4MS – 15 min

Maria ROCA – I4MS Project Manager
Feedback of the actions carried by I4MS since Phase 1. Is digitization well accepted/understood by the manufacturing sector? What are the approaches? What are the difficulties met?
2- S3P Agrifood – 15 min
Veerle DE GRAEF – Flanders’ FOOD Program Manager, S3P SS4AF manager
Practice-based example: the agrifood sector. How do the agrifood companies initiate and develop their digitization?

II / Green transition: evolution or revolution?
1- EFFRA – Made in Europe – 15 min

Chris DECUBBER – General Consultant
Evolution of the partnership. Inclusion of the topic in the Horizon Europe work programme. How is the topic welcomed and managed by the association?
2- EIT Manufacturing – 15 min
Joël ROSENBERG – Directeur du Développement France
How is the topic translated in the field? How is it integrated in the strategy? What are the feedbacks (resulting projects)?

III / « Industry 4.0 is not the right framework to achieve Europe’s 2030 goals »
1- DG RTD – ESIR (Expert group on the economic and societal impact of research and innovation) – 15 min

César DRO – Policy Officer – Strategy in the RTD Chief Economist unit
Open discussion. What is Industry 5.0? How does this concept impact industrial stakeholders?

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Contact CIMES:
Loic MARIN : l.marin@cimes-hub.com

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