On September 14 and 15, the BLOCK4Coop consortium met in Lyon to discuss the progress of the project and to establish the next steps toward the closure of the the same.

The 7th transnational conference was organized by BLOCK4Coop using the SIDO fair in Lyon, a B2B fair on IoT, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and robotics.

September 14th

The commission started with a welcome by the hosts, CIMES and CAM CLERMONT AUVERGNE MÉTROPOLE, at the Digital Campus (Campus du numérique) of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

After the inauguration, the consortium convened an internal working session where progress was presented and the next steps were scheduled. Various research and innovation “platforms” focusing on smart industry and Industry 4.0 platforms were explored during the afternoon visit to Campus du Numérique.


The Campus du Numérique is a demonstration space where startups, companies, and universities come together in “platforms” aimed at advancing towards 4.0 services and products. These organisations form AIEs, or Economic Interest Groups, for launching their platforms.

September 15th

On the second day, the consortium visited the SIDO fair as well as the companies SILEANE, PONANT Technologies, Groupe ROSA, Yesitis, EXOTIC SYSTEMS, and ADTP Industrie. In the afternoon, a transnational working session was organised where the companies presented their advanced services. The commission was attended by the following consortium partners: FVEM, HEGAN, IKERLAN, ITAINNOVA, ERAIKUNE, INOV, AIDA, CIMES, and CAM.

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