Ikerlan has organised the upcoming cyber security event Basque Cyber Cabana for 21st of October at the Silken Gran Hotel Durango at 09:00.


09:00 – 09:30: Reception and welcome

9:30 – 11:00 Parallel sessions (one to be chosen on the form)

Room A: Cyber security in electrical networks. INGETEAM, ARTECHE, ACCENTURE and a panel of companies: David Barroso (CounterCraft), César Tascón (PwC), Javier López Sarralde (ZiV) and Iratxe Urraca (ORMAZABAL).

Room B: Cyber security in industrial equipment and blockchain: ONA, MONDRAGON, LKS and a panel of companies: Jon Mitxelena (CYBASQUE), Patricia Tames (AFM), Joseba Sainz Baranda (FVEM), Ana Villate (HEGAN) and Maialen Oregi (ERAIKUNE), Martín Fernández (HEGAN).

11:00 – 11:15 Opening

11:15 – 15:00 Basque Cyber Cabana:

Company exhibition

13:30 – 14:30 Lunch / cocktail

15:00 Closure

The event will have limited spaces in order to meet the necessary safety measures against COVID19.


Desde Bitcoin & Blockchain Bilbao han organizado un Meetup Virtual: Fiscalidad de Bitcoin, tokens y criptomonedas que tendrá lugar el día 3 de febrero.

Contaran con Eneko Marugay, experto en fiscalidad Foral y Blockchain para conocer la tributación de este tipo de activos en nuestro territorio.

Se realizará Online.



ITAINNOVA, el Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón, organiza junto con Blockchain Zaragoza y dentro del marco del proyecto Block4coop, esta edición de Legal Blockchain, el cual patrocina y financia dentro de su plan de actuación de impulso de blockchain en las empresas y su impacto sectorial.

Este evento se desarrollará los días 25 y 26 de noviembre en Zaragoza en Coworking Impact Hub (Calle José Pellicer Ossau 9), y podrá seguirse en streaming a través de la plataforma Zoom.


Como todos los años, contaremos con algunos de los mejores profesionales del mundo de la tecnología, y el Derecho, abarcando sectores como la construcción, el financiero, la logística, el artístico o el sanitario. Se trata de mesas sectoriales donde se debatirá sobre la implantación, oportunidades y retos de la tecnología Blockchain en todos ellos.

Además, abordaremos cuestiones como la identidad digital soberana, la vecindad digital aragonesa, el reglamento MICA, las criptomonedas y el blanqueo de capitales, la tokenización de activos inmobiliarios, el cripto arte y la propiedad intelectual, las finanzas descentralizadas DEFI, las aplicaciones de Blockchain en el sector sanitario, fiscalidad de los cripto activos, la gobernanza descentralizada, y la relación entre las Tecnologías 4.0 y el Blockchain.

Paralelamente al evento, se celebrará un hackathon, donde los participantes abordarán el reto propuesto por las entidades organizadoras y se dotará de un premio a la propuesta más viable y mejor valorada por el jurado.

Más información e inscripciones en:


The Interreg project SUDOE Block4COOP, in which HEGAN participates and whose main objective is promoting industrial applications of Blockchain technology, will have a space in the framework of the Virtual Event Hangar 21devoted to the application of digital enabling technologies in the Aeronautical sector.

In this new Hangar 21 event, which uses the Avatar Virtual Fair format (see example here), the Block4COOPproject will have a virtual stand and a Workshop dedicated exclusively to Blockchain Technologies applied to the Aeronautical Sector. We invite you to apply to offer a talk (short presentation, or Elevator Pitch) to present your solutions, practical examples or ideas for applying Blockchain Technologies in the Aeronautical Sector, or ones that can be transferred there even when they have not been applied.

Subsequent to the pitches, there will be a debate between the speakers and user companies who are invited to the event.

The number of speakers is limited, so don’t delay in requesting your turn to present an Elevator Pitch, do it as soon as you can. Send us your project idea and we will evaluate your proposals.

Ask for your turn!


As part of the BLOCK4COOP project, on 5 May 2021 at 9:30 am, the first business networking daywill be held in the Basque Country as a meeting forum for companies interested in the digitisation of their processesthrough Blockchain technology.

The aim of the networking day is to lay the foundations for engaging all Industry 4.0 ecosystem agentsin a dialogue in order to:

  • Participate in potential Blockchain technology development projects.
  • Supportparticipant companies in the business diagnosis phaseto respond to their identified needs.
  • Facilitate intermediation between user companies and technology developers, and promote collaboration between them as well as the exchange of knowledge and experiences, thereby enabling a qualitative leap in the development and implementation of Blockchain, IoT and BigData applications in industrial environments.
  • Raise awareness, inform and train companieson the advantages and existing mechanisms for the digitisation of their production processes.

It is therefore expected that the networking will be very operationaland will provide the effective establishment of collaborative relationshipsthat will lead to innovation projects.


  • 9:30: Welcome – Adolfo Rey. FVEM
  • 9:35: Presentation and current situation of the BLOCK4COOP project – Joseba Sainz de Baranda. FVEM
  • 9.55: Presentation of the initial study on the level of development of blockchain technology in Southwest Europe regions – Begoña Mendizabal. IKERLAN
  • 10:20: Presentation of the Online Catalogue – Maialen Oregi. ERAIKUNE
  • 10:45: Potential Blockchain Development Projects IKERLAN
    • Third party auditability of operations produced in/by machines.   – Patxi Galán.
    • Traceability of energy with the aim of prioritising the use of renewables – Leticia Montalvillo
  • 11:05: Potential Development Projects TECNALIA
    • Industrial Traceability Platform – Oscar Lage
    • Platform for secure data exchange between the different players in the supply chain – Oscar Lage
  • 11:25: Interaction with participants. FVEM
  • 11:45: Close of the session


Self-Sovereign Identity is a new concept of digital identity with benefits both for entities and organizations and for end users. It changes the traditional paradigm by granting the end user control of his/her data, facilitating compliance with GDPR, improving data quality and customer experience.

This webinar will address the ID_Alastria model, which inspires the ESSIF-EBSI Project of the European Commission following the standard of “Verifiable Credentials” of the W3C; being a facilitating tool for GDPR compliance and the practical application thereof.


  • Maria Salgado Iturrino – Inetum Blockchain Manager Iberia & Latam
  • Ignacio Alaustrey – Director Aragón Inetum


At Eraikune we have started up the BLOCK4Coop Project through the Interreg Sudoe call, with the aim of driving the digital transformation of companies in southwest Europe and enabling them to improve their competitive capacity through Blockchain technology.

For this reason, we would like to invite you to attend the virtual open day entitled ‘Evolution of Blockchain Technology in the Main Industrial Sectors: Industry, Supply Chain, Construction’, to be held on Friday, January 29, from 10:00 to 12:30.

The day will address the evolution of Blockchain technology in the three main industrial sectors: Industry, the Supply Chain and Construction. Information will therefore be provided on Blockchain technology applied to each sector, and practical cases will be presented by industry experts.



Blockchain has burst onto the scene as a new transversal technology that combines easy use, low cost, high security and transparency, creating a new foundation of trust in information management and contributing to a considerable simplification and acceleration of industrial processes on all levels.

Besides being used in financial operations, it is perceived that it can provide great opportunities for launching new business models thanks to thedistributed nature of its technology, the immutability of its registers, and its capacity to execute decentralised logic through intelligent contracts.

This session will feature four practical cases of Blockchain technologies applied to industry in a diverse range of sectors. This seminar is part of the Block4COOP project financed by Interreg SUDOE.

10:00 – 10:10  Welcome and introduction to the seminar – HEGAN
10:10 – 10:20  Presentation of the Block4Coop project – FVEM
10:20 – 10:40  Chainbus Success Story: Cyber security platform for connected transportAIRBUS / TECNALIA
10:40 – 11:00  Success Story: “Exchange of secure data in industrial machinery in order to generate new business opportunities” – ORKLI / IKERLAN
11:00 – 11:20 EUSKATE Success Story: “Registering and sharing data for a transparent, automated and energy-efficient industry” IZERTIS / TECNALIA
11:20 – 11:40  AIGeCo Success Story: “Traceability of energy activity and automation in its distribution” PETRONOR / IZERTIS
11:40 – 12:00  Debate and close

Remotely via Go to meeting.

FREE Conference.  

Registration essential.  

48 hours prior to the seminar we will send an email to registered participants with the link to the webinar



Blockchain has burst onto the scene as a new transversal technology that combines user-friendliness, low cost, high security and transparency, creating a new foundation of trust in information management and contributing to a considerable simplification and acceleration of industrial processes on all levels.

In addition to its use in financial transactions, it is perceived to be able to provide great opportunities to launch new business models due to the distributed nature of its technology, the immutability of its records, and its ability to execute decentralised logic through smart contracts.

This session, aimed at both SMEs and Start-ups, is the first of four technical seminarswhich will deal with the benefits of this technology, show practical cases and visit reference centres where it is being implemented.


  • Welcome, FVEM – Adolfo Rey, Managing Director.
  • Presentation of the BLOCK4COOP project”, FVEM – Joseba Sainz de Baranda, Organisation and Innovation Department.
  • Opportunities for the industry through Blockchain”, Ikerlan, Aitor Urbieta, Digital Platform Cyber Security Team Manager.
  • The importance of enabling technologies such as Blockchain in the Digital Transformation of organisations”, GAIA – Tomás Iriondo, Managing Director
  • Coffee Break– Networking
  • Building with Blockchain technology in the Cloud”, Amazon Web Services (AWS) – Felix Mezo Gomez, AWS Partner Solutions Architect
  • The foundations of industrial cyber security”, Secure&IT – Hugo Llanos Burguera, Industrial Cyber Security Manager
  • Round tabledebate experts.


The private sector is beginning to take a look at Blockchain technology. However, there are very few user experiences in the public sector. The public tender distributed ledger system is a project that was started up in 2018 by the Government of Aragón, making it the most important public administration Blockchain technology user at the time. It is a pioneering project, as it uses highly disruptive technology in such an important field as public tendering, which represents 18% of Spain’s GDP. It also serves as a point of contact with companies, for whom, in this case, the use of Blockchain technology ensures transparency in the procedure and integrity of its offers, values that are added to the increased efficiency of administrative procedures in public tendering.

In the afternoon of June 9 we will have the ideologist and executor of this project, which is currently being used to process the many tenders managed by the Government of Aragón.

– Framework and next steps for the BLOCK4Coop Project
– The added value of distributed ledger technology applied to administrative procedures.
– The distributed ledger of public tender offers of the Government of Aragón.
– Questions from the floor.


Miguel Ángel Bernal: Professor of administrative law at the University of Zaragoza. His work has been dedicated to research, fundamentally in the field of public tendering, and has led to the publishing of 50 works on this subject. Member of the ADESTER research group recognised by the Government of Aragón. Executive Secretary at the Public Tendering Observatory ( During the last term of office he held the position of General Manager of Tenders, Heritage and Organisation at the Government of Aragón.

María Saldaña: Manager at the Public Tender Office of the Government of Aragón since its inception in 2017, now affiliated to the Public Tender General Directorate. She also holds the position of Secretary of the Administrative Tender Advisory Board, and prior to this was Technical Secretary at the Administrative Tribunal for Public Tender of Aragón.